I recently became curious about gopher, its history, the page syntax and how it all works. To satisfy curiosity I decided to get get "hands-on" with writing a gophermap and see if I could serve that page on my home network. I have a raspberrypi-400 running the 64 bit version of Debian Bookworm. I installed gophernicus with...
sudo apt-get install gophernicus
I then created the required /srv/gopher directory, placed a temporary gopher map file in /srv/gopher and then launched gophernicus with...
gophernicus -h -o UTF-8
This worked and gophernicus now serves gopher pages on my local area network. I can view the pages using the Kristall browser on another machine. Everything seems to be working fine except I have not been able to find a way to stop gophernicus starting automatically when the pi is re-booted. So I wanted to ask, does anyone know if there is a way to start/stop gophernicus manualy?
If I understand correctly, gophernicus runs under the control of "systemctl" but I dont really understand how to make starting-stopping a manual operation. So, I began experimenting and atempted to stop gophernicus with...
sudo systemctl stop gophernicus
That failed to work but after some looking around the system I discovered gophernicus.socket and using the following terminal command...
sudo systemctl stop gophernicus.socket
I was able to stop gophernicus serving pages. Re-starting gophernicus.socket would restore service again...
sudo systemctl start gophernicus.socket
The socket service start/stop command seems to work but I wondered if there is a better way to manualy start/stop the gophernicus server?
titanic (AKA Des)