Hey all on the institute.
I realized today I wasn't getting mail notifications, and I hadn't set them up on this shell. So here are some things I do on my local machine that work here:
To get the shell to tell you when you have new mail, after command executions, add this to your .profile
export MAILCHECK=0
And, if you want, you can have a persistent notification when you have un-incorporated mail, or more specifically, when your /var/mail/<username> isn't empty.
PS1="$([-s /var/mail/`whoami` ] && echo '* ')$PS1"
This works in /bin/ksh, I can't speak for other shells.
If anybody else has some quick tips they would like to share, I encorage them to reply to this thread.
Happy Unixing!
Thanks for this, xvetrd! Do you mind adding this to the wiki for posterity?
Great tip. Additionally, if you're not keen on checking mail with your tilde account, you can just forward messages to your regular email by creating ~/.forward and putting your email address on the first line. The only problem with that that you might scare some people replying to messages from an off-list address.
January 2, 2019 11:03 AM, rdh@tilde.institute wrote:
Great tip. Additionally, if you're not keen on checking mail with your tilde account, you can just forward messages to your regular email by creating ~/.forward and putting your email address on the first line. The only problem with that that you might scare some people replying to messages from an off-list address.
Off list addresses require approval from the list owner.
Forwarding your mails works perfectly fine for non-list emails, but you can change your subscription settings by signing in/up with your ~inst email on https://lists.tildeverse.org and adjusting your preferences as needed.