Hey everyone,
Due to some recent patches that have gone out for OpenBSD,
I'm going to need to reboot the system tonight around 4:00
AM UTC/GMT. I apologize for any interruption in service. The
reboot should be completed within 60 to 90 seconds.
Hello everyone!
A kind soul posted a link to this modest project on
https://lobste.rs, a tech news and link aggregation site that I
frequently browse. Since then, we've had quite a few new folks
join us.
I wanted to extend a warm welcome to everyone! Feel free to
reach out if you have any questions or need anything. Either
myself or Kneezle will usually be online at a given time, so we
aren't far away as admins.
In addition to IRC, this mailing list is available for
anyone to use. I tend to use it for announcements, but anybody
is welcome to start a conversation here. :)
One thing I've been trying to focus on is the wiki. If you
learn something cool, or know something nifty, and want to share
it with others, please feel free to submit a pull request. The
repository is hosted on the tildeverse gitea instance at
Account registration on tildegit is open and it includes
access to https://drone.tildegit.org!
In addition to tildegit, there are tons of services available
here in the tildeverse. Check out https://tildeverse.org for a
list of some of them. One of the more recent additions is the SIP
server at https://tilde.tel, run by cat. If you feel like
relieving some stress, a while back I created a Dungeon Crawl
Stone Soup server at https://crawl.tildeverse.org. WebTiles are
available on the site. However, if you prefer a more traditional
ascii roguelike environment, simply run `dcss` from the command
line here at ~institute!
Again, welcome everybody! I'm glad to have all of you join us!
Hello everyone,
I've installed password-store for everyone to use. For those
unfamiliar, it's a great password manager for unix-like OSes.
Rather than a proprietary database, it uses a structure of
directories and text files encrypted using the GnuPG key
specified during setup. This allows easy portability, diversity
in algorithm availability, and ease of backups.
The utility is called via /usr/local/bin/pass
Hello everyone,
I wanted to take a moment to extend a warm welcome
to the new co-admin of tilde.institute, Kneezle.
Since joining the tildeverse, he has been a pillar
of the community, offering help and knowledge to
anyone in need. I felt like tilde.institute needed
a second person to represent it as it continues to
grow. Luckily, Kneezle was available and willing
to join the project.
In the future, if anyone has a question, a request,
or an issue, they may feel free to look for either
myself or Kneezle in IRC, or send either one of us
an email, @tilde.institute
Hello Everyone,
I've installed asciidoc, lowdown, and ssg4 for everyone
to use. For those unfamiliar, ssg4 is a static site
generator that uses lowdown to convert markdown documents
to HTML.
Hello Everyone,
Fello tilder ~cat was kind enough to create a SIP server
for the tildeverse at https://tilde.tel. Call quality is
great and it features a conference line and voice mail.
Be sure to check it out soon! tilde.institute members
get a unique prefix for their "phone number"!
There's a directory on the site, but I can be reached
by calling 2033102(a)tilde.tel
~ahriman / Ben Morrison
PGP Key Fingerprint:
291A AFF7 A291 7DAB 0E01 6B9C EAB2 7240 9CD1 2FF0