Hi everyone,
I installed Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead, so have fun with that.
OpenBSD 6.7 was released about 3 days ago, so this weekend sometime I'll
do a mock upgrade and, if all goes well, pick a time to bring
tilde.institute down and upgrade it. I'll let you know how it goes and
what time / day the main server will go down.
Hi everyone,
I got cgit to start doing some basic syntax highlighting. It's also
rendering markdown, plaintext, and manpages as an "about" page for a
given project.
Let me know if something's wonky that I didn't catch.
Hi everyone,
Our friends at tilde.club recently set up an NNTP service. I've written
a short wiki page on connecting from tilde.institute:
Hi everyone,
Two things. I guess hetzner is still doing maintenance because the
server unexpectedly rebooted for the second time today.
Second, I just set up unbound as a recursive resolver with DNSSEC. It's
not available publicly, just locally. You don't have to do anything new
to use it.
Hi everyone,
The host is doing some emergency maintenance in the datacenter. One of
the side effects was the rebooting of tilde.institute
So if you lost your session, that's what happened.
Hi everyone,
I'll mention this on IRC as well. I pruned some older SSH host keys from
~inst, so some of you may get an error when connecting that the
fingerprint doesn't match what's expected.
You may double-check the new fingerprint by checking the SSHFP record. I
also put it on the web site below the language/shells list.
Hey everyone,
gcc-8.3.0 is finished building. The binary names are prepended with an
'e' to differentiate them from the binary names for gcc-4.2.1 which is
in base.
Hi everyone,
We're back up. Upgraded to 6.6 and fully patched. Most things should be
working, but let me know if you find anything that's broken.