Hi all, I've been trying out nntp with slrn over ssh. It's been fun, but whenever I run ``slrn`` I'm greeted with a blank feed. I can read it after running ``slrn --create`` but I'd like for slrn to remember which posts I've read. I've followed the tilde.club tutorial (https://tilde.club/~joeld/slrn.html) but I'm not sure if I'm missing something.
Here are the messages that come up when I start slrn: Loading /usr/share/slrn/slang/slrn.sl Reading startup file /etc/news/slrn.rc. Reading startup file /home/ethan/.slrnrc.***Warning: Unable to find a unique fully-qualified host name. slrn will not generate any Message-IDs. Please note that the "hostname" setting does not affect this; see the "slrn reference manual" for details.
Using newsrc file /home/ethan/.jnewsrc for server tilde.team. Connecting to host tilde.team ... Connected to host. Posting ok. Checking for new groups ... Checking news ...
So is it possible for me to have slrn remember my unread messages while retaining its feed after running --create?
On Wed, May 04, 2022 at 05:36:09PM +0000, ethan@tilde.team wrote:
Hi all, I've been trying out nntp with slrn over ssh. It's been fun, but whenever I run ``slrn`` I'm greeted with a blank feed. I can read it after running ``slrn --create`` but I'd like for slrn to remember which posts I've read. I've followed the tilde.club tutorial (https://tilde.club/~joeld/slrn.html) but I'm not sure if I'm missing something.
That's a pretty terse introduction...
You need to subscribe to some groups, otherwise when you open slrn subsequently, it won't show you anything to read.
When you first run it with --create, it presents a list of available groups, but it won't do that the next time if you don't subscribe to anything, which I also found misleading when I did it last week.
Press 's' to subscribe to a group. slrn defaults to only showing unread messages (and logically, only groups containing unread messages). 'l' will toggle the view of groups with 0 unread messages.