On Wed, Sep 11, 2019 at 09:12:27PM -0400, Ben Harris wrote:
On September 11, 2019 8:45:19 PM tallship@tilde.team wrote:
On Wed, Sep 11, 2019 at 10:00:06AM -0600, Level 3 wrote:
I like k9 mail and open keychain on Android. I have an open pgp key.
Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
OpenPGP key: 9B0A63B4368933B527265950F71708DC8B79A037
K9 is nice, at least the last time I installed it to try it out. It was one of the very few Android MUAs that makes it possible NOT to top-post ;)
I use aquamail on Android and it is very configurable for those kinds of things! I'm quite pleased with it.
And Openkeychain is pretty awesome too. I use it for 'pass', forget what it's called at F-Droid, maybe password manager or something.
Anyway, it syncs with a private git repo on one of my servers so it's handy on any operating platform I use. It can be a little unwieldy if you use it for bunches of passwords, as you have to scroll the list, but for really important stuff it's a dream.
I'll have to checkout Aquamail, I haven't heard of it before, can it be gotten at the F-Droid repo?
Oh, and in case anyone doesn't know, if you install G-Droid, you can leave review comments for any project on F-Droid. You'll need another client to do that, like Fedilab though.