On 1/28/20 6:25 PM, Bradley Gannon wrote:
friend ---> Friend, Nebraska[1]
deal ---> Deal, NJ
I'd say Brick, NJ but apparently GMaps calls it "Brick Township."
Ditto Wall Township, but there's always
wall ---> Wall, ND
Oh, I guess they balance Brick and Wall by calling Chews Landing just Chews, so
chews/choose ---> Chews, NJ
you'd all ---> Udall, KS
peck ---> Peck, KS
burden ---> Burden, KS
anus ---> Anness, KS
(look, you said repellent...) It's pronounced Ann S. because it's named after Ann S. Something, the founder's wife.
maze ---> Maize, KS
(MHS class of '83!)
greasy ---> Greasy, OK
which is near
bunch ---> Bunch, OK
And my personal favorite:
okay, okay ---> Okay, OK