I have been deeply stressed and anxious about the news over the past few days. Last night I unplugged everything, put down my phone, and re-watched "Into the Spider-Verse," which is streaming on the Netflix. Cannot recommend this film highly enough!
Per Miles Morales: "And when I feel alone, like no one understands what I'm going through, I remember my friends who get it. I never thought I'd be able to do any of this stuff. But I can. Anyone can wear the mask. YOU could wear the mask. If you didn't know that before, I hope you do now."
On Sep 26, 2019, at 11:02 AM, Andrew Gray adsgray@gmail.com wrote:
I've been watching Buster Keaton and Charlie Chaplin (both shorts and longer features) on youtube. It's so strange to watch eg. a Charlie Chaplin short from 1914, or Buster Keaton and Fatty Arbuckle in 1918, and imagine the world and context they're operating in. It makes me want to study film.
I'm reading the new DC Comics "Lois Lane" series. She's a tenacious investigative reporter. It's some real "ripped from the headlines" stuff.
When I can, I like to lay on the couch on a Sunday and half-snooze while a baseball game happens on the TV. Sometimes my kids let me do this.
Looking forward to: the new John Le Carre novel later in the fall. Also, the household copy of "The Testaments" has been lent to a neighbour and I plan to read it when it returns.
On Thu, Sep 26, 2019 at 1:21 AM Jon Bell jb@lot23.com wrote: Ira Glass once said “Life is short, and anything that gives pleasure is good.”
What’s some media you’ve been enjoying lately? Don’t worry if it’s mainstream or lowbrow or a guilty pleasure. Anything’s fine. What are you enjoying?