Hi! I'm Andy Baio https://waxy.org. I used to make things on the internet https://waxy.org/about/, and now I mostly make things off of it, like bringing 1,200 or so people to Portland every year for an annual festival called XOXO https://xoxofest.com/. You might know me from my work on Waxy https://waxy.org/, Kickstarter https://www.kickstarter.com, Upcoming https://upcoming.org, Kind of Bloop https://kindofbloop.com, Playfic https://playfic.com/, coining the term "supercut https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supercut," or some other stuff https://waxy.org/about/.
I made this disastrous DIY remix mashup thing for Tilde.club that still kind of works. Just hit all four YouTube buttons quickly and brace yourself. Refresh for another catastrophe. https://tilde.club/~waxpancake/
Here are the last three things I saw online that made me happy.
1. A text adventure game about fly fishing https://rcveeder.net/flyfishing/. Sort of. 2. Gary Larson's official website for The Far Side https://www.thefarside.com/ redesigned for the first time in 19 years https://web.archive.org/web/20041023075223/http://www.thefarside.com:80/ . 3. Some Halloween decorations from the late 1990s https://twitter.com/waxpancake/status/1172938590390632448 that are relevant to this crowd.
— Andy.
On Sun, Sep 15, 2019 at 7:20 PM Brennen Bearnes bbearnes@gmail.com wrote:
Hello friends.
proprietor of the tilde ghost town at https://squiggle.city/
I used to write code to sell circuitboards; these days I work for the Wikimedia Foundation.
I've spent a lot of my tilde time over the last few years on tilde.town, and it's been a refuge and a solace in these generally appalling times.
Looking forward to seeing some of you in shell space, whenever I get my key situation sorted.