I haven't seen Guacamole--that is an interesting way to do it. I also see it supports Windows, Linux, and Linux terminal. Although it does not support things like SCP or SFTP style traffic for file upload/download, it would be great at supporting remote admin functions (I guess as long as you were using 2FA or something for authentication if your company's DPI was grabbing your credentials.) Thanks JDM
On 2/21/2022 4:07 PM, JDM wrote:
Guacamole[0] supports SSH connections[1]. This isn't running SSH over HTTP, but does result in a terminal in a web browser. In my experience while simply changing the listening port does work in general, when a network operators is using DPI or similar, they have typically failed closed. If they're unable to intercept the traffic it's blocked.
[0] https://guacamole.apache.org/ [1] https://guacamole.apache.org/doc/gug/configuring-guacamole.html#ssh