Hi all,
Just wanted to make everybody aware of the RadioFreqs.space Allstar node. From the wiki:
The RadioFreqs.space voice hub can currently be accessed by amateur radio operators using one of the following:
* EchoLink - Connect to the NB0X-L node * Allstar - Connect to node 50110 * System Status: https://allstar.radiofreqs.space/allmon2/link.php?nodes=50110,1999,1998 * Audio Stream: http://allstar.radiofreqs.space:8000/stream * DMR - Connect to Brandmeister TG 31650 * Last Heard: https://brandmeister.network/?page=lh&DestinationID=31650
Anybody may listen by streaming at:
* http://allstar.radiofreqs.space:8000/stream
In the future we may add additional access methods, such as:
* D-Star Reflector * Dedicated DMR master * IRLP Experimental Rflector * P25 * NXDN