Due to various reasons, we've decided to age out accounts, that see no login activity on Thunix. We are a community, based around the usage and learning surrounding UNIX and Linux systems.
What it seems some have taken that to mean is that it's a place to pop up bots, and never be seen again.
There are other services, far more appropriate for this sort of thing, specifically, not a shared environment, such as Thunix.
I do understand that this will come as a change to many, since originally, Thunix.org was a open-ended shell provider, without much of a mission other than that. Thunix, under the new staff, wants to build more of a community, rather than a service provider.
To this end, we will be basing the cutoff on shell login times. In order to keep your account active, you'll need to login into the shell periodically. While you're logged in, check out the many service available only via your shell account, such as iris, and the built-in chat (weechat + IRC relay), etc.
If you have any questions, or concerns, feel free to email the list for discussion, or email any of the current staff with them, and we'll get back to you as quickly as we can.
Your Neighborhood Sysadmin;