State of the Thunix - March 2020================================So,
Thunix has moved to a new host. With this move comes many benefits,and a
couple of tradeoffs.So, first for what we lost: We lost \~8GB of RAM and
1TB of disk space.We rarely utilized more than 1/4 of the RAM, so we're
still way good togo there.We haven't ran out of disk space, with 2TB, in
fact, we have beenhovering \~1/4 usage. So, right now, we're at \~50%
usage. We will begetting rid of some low-usage mirrors, that have plenty
of replicasalready in Germany, which should free up a bunch more
space.What we have gained: ipv6 addresses, full virtualization (Which
allowsus to modify the system more heavily, better isolation (Which
means moreprivacy and security for users), we can do snaps and
containers now aswell!We have also gotten what should hopefully be a
more sustainable model:Thunix is now being graciously sponsored by [WNY
TechnologyCollaborative](, a worker-owned
cooperative,that works with other cooperatives, socialist organizations,
non-profitorganizations, and local small businesses to meet their
informationtechnology needs. So, as long as they are still in business,
we have ahome :)All in all, this new home gives us a lot more
flexibility to grow, andgets us to a slightly more sustainable position,
since donations (Whilestill welcomed) have been pretty lacking. This
move provides stability,for the moment. Eventually, I would like to see
Thunix become a fullyself-sustaining community.If you see anything awry,
open an issue on our tildegit repo foransible, if you're unsure where
the problem is, or drop a line\#thunix, and we'll check
into it, so see what is wrong.So, on to more good things!