If it’s any consolation, I’ve been feeling exactly the same way for quite some time now. It feels like something in the zeitgeist to me. 

A lot of us here are in tech, and while most of us were probably never exactly utopian Kool Aid drinkers, it’s pretty hard to feel even neutral at this point about having devoted an entire career to a field that has had such a profoundly negative effect on society in the past decade. 

My wife was a theater student at NYU when 9/11 happened, and a bunch of her friends had a similar crisis after the disaster: “How can we be spending our time studying art when the world is going to hell?” One of her best friends dropped out for awhile and became an EMT (she eventually came back and is now an up-and-coming director, so hey, that’s something!).

I know I find it increasingly difficult to find meaning in my work as a (sigh) computer programmer. Everything seems absurd and hollow given what the world is going through. We’re in a time of profound change and uncertainty, and unfortunately I think profound psychic dislocation comes with the territory.

On Tue, Sep 17, 2019 at 3:09 PM Joseph Rooks <josephrooks@gmail.com> wrote:

Hey ~ clubbers, this is a weird one, but I also feel like I’m among fairly self-aware people here, many I am familiar with and respect, and many others who are the kind of people who would be on this list to begin with.


I doubt the question I’m posing will be lost on you. And if it goes unanswered, well, I know it’s a pretty expansive and personal question. Maybe some of you will find it relevant, maybe you won’t. At the heart of the issue is my love of making things, and finding myself with no direction that leads me toward doing so.


Think that’s enough self-conscious sandbagging to cover the bases.


I’m 33 and I’ve been self-employed as a writer for most of my adult life. I stuck with it because circumstances demanded it – I’ve dealt with a lot of weirdly evenly spaced deaths in my family, been an estate executor twice, and now I am the last of my kind. I’m good at what I do, I negotiate and organize like nobody’s business, I work hard, I’ve got intensity and grit, I am dead calm in any storm. All things I learned from being executor of two estates at 19 while attending school full time.


The problem is, I no longer know what to do with any of that. Life quieted down so much after fifteen years of utter chaos, and now I’m incredibly aware of the fact that I’ve got nowhere to go back to and nowhere I’m expected to show up. I feel like a ship without a rudder, just drifting around without any direction, on a sea that’s gone calm for the first time I can remember.


It’s got me thinking of what all of the energy I used on tragedy could go toward. How I might be even better at my work. It’s got me thinking about taking a full time job somewhere I can mitigate chaos and make life easier for others besides myself. It’s got me thinking about going off to some foreign country for a few years. I don’t know. I’ve just started taking really crazy shots in the dark lately to try to find new things I could say yes to, but I don’t have any real sense of direction.


I don’t know if there’s an “answer” that makes this adrift, dislodged, floating feeling go away, but I need to find some new way forward now that it seems none of the old rules that I’m used to apply anymore.


If you’ve felt anything like this before, how’d you deal with it?