Hello Tildeverse!

I'm Travis but my friends call me tmoney, though my tilde name is ~audiodude.

I originally read about tilde.club from ~ford's blog post on the topic, signed up and thought "How long could it really take to get in?". Well here we are. In the meantime, I started my own tilde called drawbridge.club and there were dozens of us! dozens! (Actually I knew no one would use it and the name refers to the ghost town of Drawbridge CA which is the nearest ghost town to my home in SF).

That project was largely helped by ~vilmibm, who is the main admin of tilde.town, which I joined shortly after and have been active on to various degrees in the meantime. In fact, I originally thought "pfft, no point in joining club now, I'm already on town" but tildes are contagious and I'm so glad I joined, even just seeing this email thread!

My personal website is https://travisbriggs.com but the good stuff is at https://gallery.travisbriggs.com.

Hope to see you all in the tildes!


On 9/16/19 8:01 PM, Tony Gill wrote:
Hi Folks,

I'm Tony (https://tilde.club/~tonyg/ -- page not updated yet).

I'm originally from the UK, but have lived in Brooklyn, NY since 2003. I'm currently employed as an Adobe Experience Manager Solution Architect, with a specialization in digital asset management. I still have imposter syndrome (about AEM, not about DAM) after more than 2 years in the job.

I've dabbled with coding periodically ever since the early eighties, but have never achieved any real proficiency. I enjoy UI/UX design.

In my former life -- before I sold my soul to marketing technology -- I worked in the non-profit museum/library tech sector, which was fun, and also resulted in me relocating to the San Francisco bay area in 1999. I was an active participant in the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative and the CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model Special Interest Group -- both of which ultimately resulted in ISO standards.

I created my first website for a non-profit called the Museum Documentation Association (MDA) in the U.K. in 1995, using various early shareware HTML editors and a U.S. Robotics Sportster 14,400kbps modem.

In my spare time, I rant about politics on both sides of the Atlantic on Twitter as https://twitter.com/tonygill99, and I also mess around with cryptocurrencies (I'm currently trying to build a Chainlink node using Docker and Geth on an 11-year-old Dell laptop with only 2GB RAM that I just installed Ubuntu onto).

I first learned about Tilde Club when friend and former colleague ~danbri asked me to slip a cash donation under the door of friend and neighbour ~ford for setting up the original Tilde Club.

I am a decompression baby: https://decompressionbaby.com/tonys-story/

It's great to meet you all!



On 16-Sep-19 9:26 PM, Brad Choate wrote:
I guess I should chime in on this thread (I’ve been lurking). Hi, I’m Brad, and I sign up for anything free on the Internet, so naturally I have a tilde account.

I also help run MLTSHP along with some other volunteers. I worked with Andre to keep MLKSHK flowing for a few years, but the community relaunched itself as a small social network, rebranded as MLTSHP (and open-sourced at the same time, thanks to Andre). We dropped the free service level, turning it into a minimally-priced $3/year tier to go along with the $24/year membership MLKSHK had. We have around 700 very active members and we have kept operational cost in check and are self sufficient (without advertising). It’s a breath of fresh air every day.


On Sep 16, 2019, at 7:36 PM, Bill Connell <bconnell@gmail.com> wrote:

You should join https://mltshp.com! It's an open source and community-maintained Andre-approved continuation of Mlkshk. 

On Mon, Sep 16, 2019 at 7:24 PM brad <brad@bradsucks.net> wrote:
I miss mlkshk 😭😭

On Mon, Sep 16, 2019 at 8:22 PM Andre Torrez <andre.torrez@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi, I'm Andre (~andre) and I spent the last five years working at Slack. Before that I made a bunch of random things on the internet. I occasionally write on https://torrez.org and never really did anything with https://tilde.club/~andre except make a fake visitor counter three minutes before I wrote this.
