
Just toss root@tilde.club an email and we can get that reset for you.


On Sep. 21, 2019, at 11:03 a.m., "P.F. Hawkins" <pf@pfhawkins.com> wrote:
Hullo, ~pfhawkins here

It's been quite fun seeing the rebirth and explosion of the mailing list this week, but haven't had a chance to really sign on until today.

Every 3-6 months I'll get an email from someone setting up an alternative server, or letting me know that their alternatilde is being mothballed, and I'll update those lists accordingly. But that's the extent of my involvement these past years.

Mosh is still working with my ssh key, so that's great fun. But I've completely forgotten my password and will need to reset it to get into my server mail. I'm glad this forwards onto my personal email.

The little blog I set up on my main page was built in middleman, a static site generator… I don't even use ruby any more really. Hopefully in the near future I'll have time to port that over to Hugo. 

That's all I've got for now. If anyone can point me to how to get my password changed, I'll be most grateful. 



