Hi all,

Normally when I see a situation like this, where a bunch of people are all posting, my natural instinct is to not post. I worry I'll annoy someone who is sick of these emails, or something like that.

But for some reason, thought hey, you know what, maybe I'll post here. Maybe I'll do that. Maybe I'll just go ahead and post to this list.

My tilde name was andrew, which is also my first name. I'm on twitter as bn2b and I feel like I probably know some of the people on here from Diaryland or Pitas or other things. Not going to go commercial here, but I recently took over as head of an unnamed web hosting company (unsure what my title is).

I think the beauty of this mailing list starting up today is that Sunday nights have always been the highest traffic times of the week for online stuff. I think this list kicked off at just the right time for everyone to post and see the replies and whatnot, and it's cool, I think.

I know Paul is not on this list, but it's cool that everyone who knows him or follows his stuff seem to be kind of normal, regular humans, and not completely annoying psychos or anything. Hope I am not speaking too soon.
