Hey everyone! So cool to see the club back in action. Can't wait to find something new to do with my space.

Mandatory intro: for work I've been writing java here in Vancouver. For fun I've been writing rust.

See you on the box,

On Mon, 16 Sep 2019 at 12:02, Paul Carroll <paul@stublag.com> wrote:

As someone who has never been on a mailing list like this, it is very overwhelming writing an email to unknown hundreds(?) of people but whatever, here goes. I’m another Paul and I am in Seattle. I build a lot of small weird blogs because social media burns me out. I mean I still read it all the time, but you know how it is.

http://tilde.club/~stublag/ is still just a really nice looking tilde. I should probably actually build something more substantial this time around.

Otherwise I have a lot of .zones:


Turns out .zones are expensive! I pay $175/year for this joke! Oh well.

I also have an infrequent newsletter at https://occasional.email where I write about the art I’m working on, and other news about all of my .zones.

Okay bye!