I was thinking that I need to find an activity to do when I was supposed to be sleeping.


Sean P. Reiser

Sean P. Reiser

My Tilde Page [in progress]

On Oct 3, 2019, 5:12 PM -0400, audiodude@tilde.club, wrote:
Factorio is in fact dangerously addictive. Also I went ahead and setup the server:

In the game:

Play -> Multiplayer -> Connect to Server

and type: tilde.assembly.monster

You should be able to connect as of right now.

The server is 0.17.69 with a random default map generated with default settings. Feel free to mess around for a bit, please try to use your tilde name as your multiplayer name (for sanity's sake). I wouldn't get too attached to this save though because likely any of us who want to play will come to a consensus on map settings to generate a new map and start off proper.


October 3, 2019 1:49 PM, "Ryan Vahey" <ryanvahey@me.com> wrote:

I've never played before but it looks awesome, I would definitely be down!

Le 3 oct. 2019 à 16:29, Bradley Gannon <bradley@tilde.club> a écrit :

Factorio is a dangerous substance, and you are a monster for soliciting it here.

I am so in.

Time constraints will probably limit me to a few hours on weekends, though, so don't count me as a
power user. I'm definitely interested in seeing what the tildeverse and its residents can do in an
awful, terrible, wonderful game like Factorio.

Looking forward to it,


On Thu, 3 Oct 2019, audiodude@tilde.club wrote:

I wrote about this on my tilde page, so more information is there: https://tilde.club/~audiodude
The idea is to set up a Factorio multiplayer server for members of the tildeverse. It would follow
the code of conduct of tilde.club, and I would donate the AWS resources necessary.
The post has some links about Factorio if you haven't heard of it. If you have heard of it, you're
probably already a fan. I just registered a domain for this so the server would be at
We could start a new game from scratch or load up someone's save, or whatever. Server settings and
map seeds are all up for debate and consensus.
Let me know if there's interest!