tl;dr; We started an NYC list. You can, too. Also, my intro.


Hi all,

Our NYC meetup was fun, and we want to do more without annoying everyone else.

So: we made a list for New Yorkers to make plans and complain about stuff. 

Sign up here:

To start your own local tilde list, email and be ready to moderate.

In other news, I owe you an intro, so


Hello /~everyone!

I'm Ben.

You might remember me from:

- The mobile team at Vice, which I hired and managed
- The iOS readers at the New York Times
- The Longform dot org iPhone and iPad apps
- A desktop blog editor for the Mac called "Blogo" back in the aughties
- The Shame Eraser, which AFAIK was the first open-source tweet-deleter
- Any of the other articles I did for ~jwherrman before ~mat took over BF tech

My relationship with the tilde is complicated. I never wanted to work as a programmer. (Engineering wasn't "cool" before the App Store.) But my gramps gave me a Mac in '91, my school taught BASIC and when I graduated it paid well and came easily.

Now I work on all the cool parts of HR: interviewing employees and designing infrastructure like hiring and onboarding plans to maintain a healthy culture. It's like product design, but the "customers" spend 8-14h/day in the product, which I'm sure no one here does with any app.

My tilde is ~bj, but there's nothing there, so please accept this modern, pink website in its place:

(Your data will be encrypted with secure socket layer technology)

See you all around,


P.S. If you identify with an underrepresented group in tech and need advice on your career, or the company you run, or anything really, I have office hours at and you should book a slot.
