I re-chose all the items in several drawers (i.e., emptied them out, handled/examined everything, and sorted it into keep/donate/discard piles). This always feels good, and is my default "do something productive" task if I don't have anything specific to do.

Did my laundry.

Remixed a song for an old friend in Australia.

Right now I'm halfway through trying to replace the rechargeable battery in an old cordless razor. Works great except battery is 5 years old... hopefully can just replace the battery!

Played a bunch of What the Golf? <-- amazing game!


On Sat, Sep 21, 2019 at 3:53 PM Karen Cravens <silver@phoenyx.net> wrote:

>     On Sat, 21 Sep 2019, Jon Bell wrote:
>     > What did you do today?

I deleted all my tweets (thought I had done it awhile back but
apparently the tool didn't get all the way through them) and made an
Instant Pot cheesecake since everybody has told me that's the way I need
to make them. It's currently chilling so we'll see.