First off, if you haven't already checked it out, go look at Aaron Moman's (~admoman) Tilde Club RSS feed. It's a feed of everything that has been updated on Tilde Club as it happens, and it's available at this URL:

As I was reading all the responses coming in last night, I realized, I want a list of RSS feeds. I want to have a Tilde Club folder in my RSS reader with all your blogs. I tried to follow links as people were mentioning them, looking some folks up through google and what not and I realized, well, I could just ask.

I know, I know, we haven't updated our blogs in the past 10 years. This is okay. Because the beauty of RSS is that it's there, waiting for you, when you are ready to post again.

So I made a google form:

Go fill out the google form. Put in your RSS feed, wherever you think your "main feed" is. If you have more than one feed, put the extra feeds in the "extra feeds" question.

After a day or two, I'll take your responses and make an OPML file, suitable for importing into your favorite RSS reader.

In the meantime, in this email thread, post your favorite RSS tips and tricks and whatnot. I'll go first. On linux, I like Liferea, on Mac, I like the newly rebooted Net News Wire. On Windows 10 I have not found anything I like. Anyone using an RSS reader on Windows 10 that they like?


John Wilson (~crazybutable)