Hi Folks,

I'm Tony (https://tilde.club/~tonyg/ -- page not updated yet).

I'm originally from the UK, but have lived in Brooklyn, NY since 2003. I'm currently employed as an Adobe Experience Manager Solution Architect, with a specialization in digital asset management. I still have imposter syndrome (about AEM, not about DAM) after more than 2 years in the job.

I've dabbled with coding periodically ever since the early eighties, but have never achieved any real proficiency. I enjoy UI/UX design.

In my former life -- before I sold my soul to marketing technology -- I worked in the non-profit museum/library tech sector, which was fun, and also resulted in me relocating to the San Francisco bay area in 1999. I was an active participant in the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative and the CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model Special Interest Group -- both of which ultimately resulted in ISO standards.

I created my first website for a non-profit called the Museum Documentation Association (MDA) in the U.K. in 1995, using various early shareware HTML editors and a U.S. Robotics Sportster 14,400kbps modem.

In my spare time, I rant about politics on both sides of the Atlantic on Twitter as https://twitter.com/tonygill99, and I also mess around with cryptocurrencies (I'm currently trying to build a Chainlink node using Docker and Geth on an 11-year-old Dell laptop with only 2GB RAM that I just installed Ubuntu onto).

I first learned about Tilde Club when friend and former colleague ~danbri asked me to slip a cash donation under the door of friend and neighbour ~ford for setting up the original Tilde Club.

I am a decompression baby: https://decompressionbaby.com/tonys-story/

It's great to meet you all!



On 16-Sep-19 9:26 PM, Brad Choate wrote:
I guess I should chime in on this thread (I’ve been lurking). Hi, I’m Brad, and I sign up for anything free on the Internet, so naturally I have a tilde account.

I also help run MLTSHP along with some other volunteers. I worked with Andre to keep MLKSHK flowing for a few years, but the community relaunched itself as a small social network, rebranded as MLTSHP (and open-sourced at the same time, thanks to Andre). We dropped the free service level, turning it into a minimally-priced $3/year tier to go along with the $24/year membership MLKSHK had. We have around 700 very active members and we have kept operational cost in check and are self sufficient (without advertising). It’s a breath of fresh air every day.


On Sep 16, 2019, at 7:36 PM, Bill Connell <bconnell@gmail.com> wrote:

You should join https://mltshp.com! It's an open source and community-maintained Andre-approved continuation of Mlkshk. 

On Mon, Sep 16, 2019 at 7:24 PM brad <brad@bradsucks.net> wrote:
I miss mlkshk 😭😭

On Mon, Sep 16, 2019 at 8:22 PM Andre Torrez <andre.torrez@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi, I'm Andre (~andre) and I spent the last five years working at Slack. Before that I made a bunch of random things on the internet. I occasionally write on https://torrez.org and never really did anything with https://tilde.club/~andre except make a fake visitor counter three minutes before I wrote this.
