Apologies for duplicates. Getting the list sorted on my end.

I should introduce myself before replying to today's prompt. I'm Eric, aka ~elb, and work at a small marketing firm in Georgia (just south of Chattanooga, Tenn.) designing for web and print, managing project teams, and other tasks. Married, four grown kids, three dogs, three cats.

Yes, we know. Our vet has already informed us we're crazy.

Like most of you, I groaned when I first saw my inbox. I was on vacation in New Orleans and refused to deal with it at first. A closer inspection of those many emails was delightful. Saw some familiar names and new ones. I had a blast catching up on what everyone has been doing since our fledgling community came together in 2014.

Anyway, on to the prompt.

On 23 Sep 2019, at 15:10, Jon Bell wrote:

What’s something that is pretty much the same for you compared to 2009?

Most things have changed for me during the past decade except for one constant, my wife. This is the third marriage for both of us, so the same cannot be said earlier decades.

The changes have been good for the most part. When we first got together we had two kids in elementary, one in middle school, and another in high school. We were going in what seemed an infinite number of directions all the time. A TARDIS sure would have come in handy, but alas I am no Time Lord.

Now our pets are older, we've added some new ones, and the kids are grown and moved on to their own lives. We have more empty space in our house now and happier than ever as we look forward to adventures the next decade delivers to us.
